Birth of the Boys (2019) 5 minutes, 25 seconds, Install at Sydney College of the Arts

I will always be with you, even when i am not (2019) Install at Sydney College of the Arts
John is a fuckhead. So is Steve. So are the eggs. Oh! and so is Titian.
I made this show to hold up a mirror to these shoddy suckers; to show them their stoooopid ways.
It's not all doom and gloom but! There are some really heart-warming stories of comradery, bro love and memory thrown in the mix. Mostly doom and gloom though… Its very hard to turn a poo poo into a daffodil – that’s the expression right?
What’s the next step you might ask in order to create a new generation of non-dickheads who are emotionally stable, more inclusive and less sad all the time? I think runt Jackson in ‘Birth of the Boys’ framed it up pretty well “We men are in crisis! We have to change! No, no, no! We must change! We need to be better! We need to fight less and love more! We must adapt! We must become more vulnerable! More accepting!”
Pretty insightful for a fuckhead if you ask me.
This work was shown as part of the 2019 Fauvette Loureiro Memorial Artists Travel Scholarship at Sydney College of the Arts.
Birth of the Boys (2019) video. 4 minutes, 58 seconds.

I will always be with you, even when i am not (2019) Install at Sydney College of the Arts

Birth of the Boys (2019) 5 minutes, 25 seconds, Install at Sydney College of the Arts

Birth of the Boys (2019) 5 minutes, 25 seconds, Install at Sydney College of the Arts

doin’ as I’ve been told [following Titian] (2019) pigment prints on fine art paper, framed

Love, Dad (2019) triangle pigment print on fine art paper, framed